Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 4: New Responsibilities, Learning More of What He Doesn't Know and a Haircut

The MTC barber apparently gets a little clipper-happy.
Hey Family and Friends!

It's that time again. It seems like yesterday I was saying that last week. The days are really starting to fly by. What's even crazier is that this Wednesday marks 1 month of my mission! That's only 23 left and if they all fly by like this one, I feel like I'm going to blink and be home. Being the district leader has been pretty interesting. We had some bumps the first couple days as the old district leader was handing over the reins but now things are going more smoothly. The main concern in the district right now is that in one of the companionships, one is pretty lazy and the other one is really trying hard. I mean, it's more complicated than that, but that's the main idea. I don't want to go super into it when it's going to be published online. In any case, that's the main issue I'm constantly dealing with right now. The biggest help has been the philosophy of correcting with love. Doctrine &Covenants 121 has a lot of good nuggets about leading and I'm sorry to say I haven't studied it yet. That's on top of the to-do list for this week! 

Teaching investigators has been going pretty good. On Friday, we tried to ask one of our investigators if he'd be baptized when he knew what we were teaching him was true which went fine, but when he asked what baptism was, we had no idea how to explain it in Chinese. I mean, we could tell him that it was a promise you make to God that you will follow his commandments but in terms of saying "You go into a font of water, are submerged fully, and then come back out of the water," we were at a loss...After sitting there for a few seconds with apparently nothing to say, he looked at his watch and said he was out of time(saved by the bell) so we'll have to learn how to talk about baptism for next time. It was probably the worst lesson we've ever taught. Hands down. We didn't even remember to ask him about reading assignments. We were so embarrassed. The other lessons went pretty well. In fact, the lesson we taught to our other investigator right before the worst lesson we've ever taught was actually the best lesson we've ever taught. I don't know. Maybe the bad one was meant to be a humbling experience. Either way, we are constantly improving and learning so that's what matters!

Our district is continuing to be awesome. There are blips here and there but that's expected. Every time I get discouraged, I just look at an English-speaking district and then I feel a lot better(sorry for all those who went English-speaking). We actually have a bunch of English elders staying in the room next door and they are THE worst. Last night, this one elder was running down the hall with a mattress, trying to prank people by knocking on their doors and then putting the mattress in the door frame so when you open the door it's like "oh wow...a mattress.." Super funny right? Nope. I don't know. I just find consolation in the fact that they're only here for 2 weeks. Is that bad? I don't know.

My favorite lesson of the week was when we read 3 Nephi 12-13 with Ge Lao Shi. He was our teacher for the first couple weeks but they switched around the teachers after that so now he's a teaching coordinator. One of our teachers was running a marathon on Saturday, however, so Ge Lao Shi covered his shift. He is definitely one of my favorite people and teachers. He went on his mission to Singapore and he's from Australia. Sometimes when he isn't thinking about it, you can hear his accent. It's awesome. He's so good at inviting the spirit too. You never get the sense that he's talking because he thinks he's such a mighty scholar. It's always because he cares about what he's teaching and he wants to share it because he cares about us and our future. I hope I can be that way as a missionary. I always learn so much from him. 

Also, a little homework, since you all have access to google. Can you look up every other day fasting? A sister was telling me about it and I thought it sounded ridiculous so I'm curious to know how credible the sources are that prove its effectiveness. 

Also, I know how I said I'd like emails better, but that was a lie...haha. I only get emails once a week and I can get letters/dearelders every day except Sunday so if you're thinking about writing me, letters are good:)

   -I've started playing basketball during Gym time which is nice because I actually work out. I'm a pretty bad shooter but my defense is okay and I'm coordinated enough that I never feel like I'm holding anyone back. 
   -I played piano during priesthood yesterday which was pretty crazy. I played "Sweet Hour of Prayer" and "Nearer my God to Thee." Both pretty easy songs but that's the first time I've ever done something like that and felt like it went ok. I messed up a couple times but I just kept on going so I was pretty proud of myself. 
   -I got a haircut. Picture attached. It's quite a bit shorter than I wanted it but it looks fine. :\

Sorry I didn't have a lot to say this week. The days are starting to blur together so it's becoming harder to remember the little moments even with a journal. I love you guys!! Keep me in your prayers!

-Elder Brendan Smith

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