Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 5 Family Letter: Dear Dad 9/20/2013

Dear Dad,

I'm glad everyone enjoyed my letter. :)  And I'm not an elitist!  I'm just pointing out that most of the problematic Elders are the ones who speak English.  And sometimes Spanish...

Thanks for the advice about using my time here as efficiently as possible.  I've definitely been trying.  It's kind of strange, though.  It seems like in addition to learning Chinese and learning the Gospel, I'm also learning how to learn a lot of the time.  I've never been in a situation where me studying effectively was this vital.  I mean, a test is just a test and a class (much to your chagrin while I was in high school) is just a class.  This work that I'm doing has eternal consequences.  Like you said, souls are going to be on the line!  That's a super stressful thought <:(  I guess I just need to remember that it's the Lord's work and he will get it done either way.  All I can to is strive to be the best tool that I can be so that those awaiting the message that I have to share can be taught by a spiritual and effective missionary.

And yeah, the investigators I'm teaching here aren't real investigators.  It's either my teacher or a returned missionary.  I mean, we teach the same one every time and we set up appointments so it's like a real investigator, but it's still role play.  They are surprisingly effective, though.  I was skeptical when they first told us about it, but it's been really pleasantly surprising how real they can be and, if we take it seriously, how much the Spirit can be there.

TEA!!!  GLORIOUS TEA!!!!!  From Mama Warren and a very reluctant Salmon...

...Sorry my pictures don't look nice.  I always feel weird making a nice face when I take a selfie.  I don't know.  I'll work on that though.  Choe's Mom and Salmon sent me some tea so there'll be plenty of those pictures when I email next week.  And I just got one of the Taiwan ROC mission shirts.  Shi hen hao kan (looks really good).  I'll send you a nice picture of me with that on, too.

Sounds like an awesome year for Seahawks fans, indeed!

Thanks for the thought with the Voodoo doughnuts.  :)  That would have been pretty cool if you could have done that.  And that record store sounds super cool!  They probably have tons of goodies.

I'm glad you got out of driving (Damon to early morning seminary) this time around.  I bet you're having a good ol' time sleeping in. :)

A cool tie from Val-Ville that Megan sent me.

That's awesome that Sophie's doing a mini-triathlon!  Elder Watson does triathlons so I can ask him for tips if you want.  It'll be a good opportunity for her to get in shape without hurting her knee too much.

That sounds like the usual barrel o' monkeys with Luke and Soybean.  I'm glad to hear Sawyer is still retaining some of his shenanigans.  That food critic thing sounds like it was a laugh.

And yea, Lucy's going to just grow up thinking she's the cat's pajamas.  It'll be fun to see how she turns out!

FHE sounds like the usual shebang.  Hang in there.  Eventually, something will stick.

Love you!

Elder Brendan Smith


  1. Regarding English speaking elders being a problem... since the vast majority of elders in the MTC are probably English speaking, even if only 2% of them were a problem, they would far outnumber the 2% of language learning missionaries who are also a problem. :) Also, compare your first few weeks in the MTC to your last few weeks - were the first few weeks harder? cause those English speaking missionaries are only there for those first few weeks... :) Just do the best you can to be a stellar example of how to feel the spirit, that is probably what those problem missionaries need the most at this point!

    Oh, and keep up the good work, you lucky Taiwan-bound missionary you! Thank you so much for allowing your mom to post letters here, I miss that wonderful place and you have written some excellent descriptive letters. I'm looking forward to hearing your impressions when you land on the Beautiful Island! :)

    1. Jennifer, I think you are right. I include Brendan's opinions (even if I don't think they are 100% accurate), because they reflect his feelings and experiences. But I'm going to pass along your comment to him. Maybe it'll help him change his viewpoint and help him feel a little more indulgent towards some of the other missionaries' hijinks. :)
