Friday, May 22, 2015

Week Eighty-Nine: 5/4/2015 to 5/10/2015--A Humbling Week, Indeed

Hey everyone!

I got to talk to my family today which was awesome. I don't know why, but I don't do very well with real deep human connections. I'm not sure if it's because I moved so many times when I was a kid and just got used to leaving my old friends and picking up new ones or because I'm just a stony Smith, but I have a hard time forging friendships and relationships that sink into my heart and soul. It always seems like I'm holding something back. That being said, that is not how it is with my family. I know that I will immensely enjoy spending eternity with the people I talked with on Skype today. Family is the best! I love them so much. I know that family is ordained of God and that through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, any home can be a heaven on Earth.

This week, as the title suggests was a very humbling week, indeed. I feel like when you use the word humbling, it's a lot less negative than saying things like lame or cruddy, but it gets the same meaning across. We just got stood up so many times and our results at the end of the week weren't too pretty. As most of you know, we keep track of things we do as missionaries like how many lessons you had in a week, how many new investigators, how many people with a baptismal goal. While the purpose of counting these numbers isn't to give you pressure or make you think high numbers=super awesome missionary, it's sometimes easy to look at them that way since things like "following the Spirit" and "doing the right things for the right reasons" are pretty hard to measure. Especially as a leader, you feel pressure to set a good example for the missionaries you're leading so when you're not doing too hot, you feel like you've let down the missionaries you're serving. You just feel like a phony standing up and telling everyone else to work hard, to find and teach, when you yourself are struggling. However, Zone Conference is this week, so I'm expecting some inspiration for how we can become better missionaries and better leaders in the mission. I only have 3 months left and I need to make them count! 

So yeah, pray for us! We will be working hard all the while. I can find solace in the fact that the church is still true and the message I'm sharing is as well. So if people choose not to accept it, I don't have to get down on myself. Not everyone accepted Christ when he came either. Far from it. I have it much easier than He did, but there are still moments where our investigators choose the right and I feel I experience a fragment of the joy He must feel when I or any one of God's children follow Him.  

-Elder Smith

P.S. Happy Mother's Day!

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