Monday, September 8, 2014

Week Fifty-One: 9/2/2014 to 9/8/2014--I Have a Lot to Write About and Very Little Time to do it

Hey Everyone,
It's going to be short this week, but I'm chalk(chock?) full of stuff to talk about. How come that always happens?
First, our investigators are doing pretty well. Brother Tang is having trouble reading the Book of Mormon, but he came to church on Sunday so we're hoping he can still hit his October 10 date.

Second, I got a hair cut(see the above picture). The man who gave it to me is Brother Zhong. He's pretty sweet. He joined the church about a year ago and before he did, his life was pretty messed up. But now, he's super cool and he's a really famous hair stylist here in Taiwan. He does this thing where he puts on five scissors at the same time and thins out your hair. It's pretty Edward Scissorhands-esque.

Third, it was Mid-Autumn festival this week. Traditionally, all you do during this time is light fireworks, eat moon cakes, and set out lanterns, but because of an advertisement that came out in Taiwan 20+years ago, everybody also sits out in front of their house and has a BBQ. It's pretty sweet. The food isn't nearly as good as it is in the US, but it's a good time for families to get together. We went to 2 members houses yesterday and met a lot of good people who we're set up to meet this week. One of them is a guy from California. He uses really big words and he brought a genuine Spalding American football. I haven't touched one of those things in over a year! Woah!

Fourth, I wasn't the best senior companion this week. There were a couple times where I got kind of impatient. Luckily, I repented pretty quickly, though, and me and Elder Zhao are all reconciled and ready to face the new week with a good amount of fierceness. I'm learning lots for sure:)

Fifth, please pray for a miracle. Due to recent changes in the process for obtaining visas, the missionaries who are supposed to get to the island in 3 weeks will likely be delayed a while. That would be super lame, so we're hoping we can find a way to get them through the system in time.

Last, I love you guys! Thanks for your emails and letters. They always bring a smile to my face. Yep, that's all.
-Elder Smith

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