Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week Sixty-Six: 11/25/2014 to 12/1/2014--The First Full Week as a Trainer

Hello Everyone,

May I first just say that responsibility is exhausting, but you learn so much it's totally worth it. This week has been pretty happening. I was so tired every day that if I sat down for too long and wasn't doing anything with my brain, I'd start nodding off. It just started to subside a little bit yesterday and I think I'm back to full-function at the present. But maybe I just got used to being exhausted all the time. Either way, I feel normal now which is always a good feeling!

On the investigator front, we've been working hard, but have seen some minor set-backs. Junwei, the 17-year-old who plays rugby, had to drop his baptismal goal because his parents want him to think it over some more, probably a year. I can tell his parents really care about him and they just want him to do what's right which is nice, but I'm hoping we can cut that time down a little as we get to know them better and as they see the change in their son. Brother Lu also backed out on his goal to be baptized the 6th of December. He has been really consumed with work lately and just hasn't thought about this stuff very much. Our meeting with him this week went really well, however and we can tell he really wants to find answers. I don't know what it is, but it seems like all the people we're meeting with right now are interested, but they legitimately don't have time to meet with us more than once a week so we're struggling to help them feel the constant influence of the Spirit and progress.

I have seen significant personal growth this week. Like I said, this new calling has been taking a lot of my effort and has made me feel like I have a really big weight on my shoulders. Almost as though God has given me too much to manage and I'm stretching myself too thin. 

I was actually reading in the scriptures this week about a man who felt similarly. His name is Helaman. He was the captain of a large body of men who had just acquired many lands at the hand of the Lord, but didn't have enough men to defend them from being recaptured. He writes a letter to the chief captain Moroni, wondering why they don't send more men to strengthen them. He says, "But behold, our armies are small to maintain so great a number of cities and so great possessions. But behold, we trust in our God who has given us victory over those lands, insomuch that we have obtained those cities and those lands, which were our own." 

When I read that, it gave me the drive to have the same faith Helaman had. And I've found that as I keep moving forward doing the best that I can and as I kneel down each night and pray fervently for the energy and strength to accomplish the task at hand, my capacity is increased, I receive strength and in the end, I learn and grow much more than I would have if my situation and responsibilities had stayed the same. God has a plan. I know that to be true and I'm excited for the chance to keep learning and keep growing. 

And last of all, just to clarify, this extra weight on my shoulders is not because Elder Stevens is a goon or anything. On the contrary, he is awesome! We get along super well and I'm super glad for the opportunity I have to train him. Speaking of us and our unbeatable unity, we sang a song for you all, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." Merry Christmas:)

-Elder Smith

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