Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week Thirty-Five: 4/21/2014 to 4/27/2014--Spiritual Promptings and Hesitant People

Hello Family and Friends!!

So yeah, first of all, good news from Yong Kang. Lai and Andy both got baptized(wooohooo!). That was super exciting for me hear:). So thanks for any prayers that were offered in their behalf!

As for me, I'm doing well. I've learned a lot of really great lessons on recognizing and following spiritual promptings this week. I've recognized a few patterns in those promptings. 

1. They are always inconvenient. There's just no getting around it. If the Spirit is going to give you a prompting, it's going to be something that's out of your way, awkward, or just flat-out embarrassing.

2. They don't always bring the desired effect. The things I'm prompted to do don't always directly result in meeting a golden man on the street or anything close to that. Sometimes, I'm prompted to talk to a guy and I get flat-out rejected. It's sad.

3. I never regret following them. Even if I do get flat-out rejected, I still feel peace knowing that I fulfilled my responsibility as the Lord's representative and that makes up for anything an old guy yells at me in Taiwanese haha. 

So yeah, this week was a good learning experience in that aspect. 

Our investigators are doing great. Killy is deciding on a baptismal date at the moment. It's hard for him because he came from a strictly atheist, Marxist background to the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, so he's in a transition period. He said he's thinking sometime in June might be good, but he hasn't gotten an answer yet, so we're still waiting. In the meantime, he's doing great. He actually came out and street-contacted with us last night so that was fun!

Rod's situation with his parents is still the same, but his faith getting stronger and stronger all the time. He also came out and contacted with us last night. He got a guy's number. He was so proud. Killy asked him if he's going to go on a mission when he gets older and he said, "if I have enough faith!". What a kid:)

Most of our other investigators are pretty new. 2 of them are girls. That's new for sure. I don't know how to teach them. Their thought-process is so much more complicated, I feel like, and they need a lot more time for things to sink in and feel comfortable. I don't know. I'm still getting used to it. But they are all really good. Really pure desire and willing to at least make small steps towards finding out for themselves the truth of what we're sharing. It just requires some patience:)

Also, I had my first mango in Taiwan this week. They're legendary here. I'll be honest, when I ate was fantastic. I'm excited for more to come. I also made a really delicious omelet. 

Elder Smith

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