Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week Twenty-Eight-3/3/2014-3/9/2014: Forgetfulness and a Family at Church

Note from Erin:  I've included some pictures of Brendan's YongKang apartment with this letter.  I was curious about what his digs are like, and thought others might be, too.  
Spidermissionary…Spidermissionary.  Doing whatever a spidermissionary does...

Dear Family and Friends, 

So yeah, this week a few good things happened. First, as the title states, we had a family of 4 show up to church out of no where! The whole ward pounced on them, telling them about all the activities our church has, dinners at members' houses, etc. It was AWESOME! Although, I hope it didn't freak them out. They have this little 5-year-old son that loved all of it, so I'm pretty sure he's going to force them all to come to English class and then to come to church again next week. It was great:) I also ate a thousand-year-old egg for the first time. It was pretty gross...It's basically just an egg that they hard boiled in a bunch of soy sauce and stuff for a really long time so that the white turns into this transparent black and the yolk turns green and gooey. It wasn't as disgusting as it looked, but I definitely wouldn't have chosen to eat it(Elder Gish bought it and made me eat it...). 

Brendan's closet.

Brendan's bathroom.  Good to see that dental hygiene is still important to him.
Missionary supplies/pamphlets and shoes.
So yeah, some investigators forgot their baptismal dates which is kind of our bad because we didn't bring it up enough. So yeah, we will hopefully have at least 3 baptisms on the 22nd of March. That would be super awesome! It will be a 4th year college student named Jobshn(not the weirdest English name I've seen here) who is really willing to come to church, pray, etc.. but has some logic problems with some commandments like the Word of Wisdom. The other is a 1st year college student named Eason who likes Americans, but we're not really sure if he's super stoked about keeping commandments either. The last is a guy named Lai. He's super solid! He's been telling a bunch of people he's getting baptized on the 22nd and is super stoked to follow Jesus Christ. It's awesome to see his desire. He also ran a marathon, so...he's basically just awesome. Pray for them!! Pray that they'll be able to develop a personal testimony that what we are teaching is true and that they will have desire to live according to that testimony. Or something to that effect. I just really hope they can all be truly converted to the gospel and not just to us. Thank you all. 

Brendan's YongKang apartment's kitchen.  There isn't an oven--though it looks like they have a microwave and toaster oven.  And emergency backpacks all ready to go (which will hopefully not be needed anytime soon).
I recognize lots of real food in this fridge. Brendan is not going to be dying of scurvy anytime soon.  Whew. 
Brendan's half of the room.  Sometimes, he has such wise insights and such a mature outlook these days that I worry I won't recognize him by the time he comes home.   The messiness of this room is reassuringly familiar.
Getting all domestic making French toast.  Is it just me, or do the tongs they are using in this pic look more like pliers?  What a manly-looking cooking utensil that is.
Our RC's are all doing pretty good. Chen is doing so great!! Oh my goodness. He wasn't at our church yesterday, but he called us to tell us he went somewhere closer to where he had to work so he could take the sacrament and set up a time with us to meet and talk about his questions. He has some of the best questions I've ever heard, by the way. They are all really on target and deep. Like, this week, he asked about what doctrine there was about people with mental disorders and the celestial kingdom. You know, just things that everyone thinks about when they are growing up in the church. I don't know. It just made me really happy:). But yeah, that's about it for the week. If you have any questions, let me know! 

Elder Smith

P.S. We found some really creepy weird coins on our bikes one day and we don't know who put them there. If anyone knows what they are, particularly if they are cursed, please let me know. Pictures attached.

Every time Brendan picks up the coin, it glows red-hot and it looks like it has emerged from the fires of Mount Doom.  Should he be concerned?
Kidding, kidding.  Brendan sent the picture with the special effects included, so I'm pretty sure that's what he had in mind.  Here is the front view of one of the coins they found on their bikes.
Here is the back.  Anybody know what it is all about?

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