Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 7: "Messaging" with Brendan--Like Cinderella, He's Disappointed He Won't Be Able to Attend the (Deck the Hall) Ball

Note from Erin: Today, Brendan and I happened to be online at the same time and were able to exchange some emails--almost messaging.  It was fun to be able to "talk", and I thought some of you might find it interesting, so I thought I'd pass the emails along.

Brendan: Here's a picture of my new journal that I got. My composition notebook wasn't cutting it.
Mom:  Pretty fancy pants, man.
Brendan:  I know I like it. It's nice and simple, but also reeks of valor and missionary strife. 
Mom:  Perfect combo.  What does valor and missionary strife smell like, exactly?  I bet it isn't that great. ;)

Lucy took the time to write to Brendan as well.  She insists on "typing" up her letter, and only grudgingly lets me decode for her.

Lucy says:
Dear Brendan,
And I love you.  Even I'm sad that you are going to Taiwan.
Brendan's reply: Man, Lucy needs to work on her grammar haha. but the sentiment is good;) Love you too, Lucy. Talk to you next week!

Third Exchange:  
Mom:  Did you get my package yet?  I want feedback, man.
Brendan:  yeah!! I wrote a letter and I'll be putting it in the mailbox today with specific feedback but over all, great:) great ties, great everything! I could use one more sweater though. Preferably brown. But I loved it! And I looked so funny carrying that huge package back to my dorm hahaha.
Mom:  :)  I'm glad.  I know you need another sweater--I just have a hard time remembering exactly what shade of brown your suit and pants are.  I think maybe you need to just buy one when you get to Taiwan.  Browns are tricky.  
I hope you liked the ties.  I thought you'd appreciate all the vintage.  I also thought you'd like a Thanksgiving tie, since I'm not sure if you'll be celebrating it over in Taiwan.  I'm sure you can guess which one that was. :) You would have laughed at me--I started out shopping at Marshall's, then wised up and went to ValVille and Goodwill.  And the total for 6 ties bought at those two stores cost the same as the one I bought you at Marshall's.  Anyway, hopefully this will help save you from tie boredom.  I love you!!!!  And miss you.  But we're muddling through. :)

Brendan:  Yeah I loved the fact that they were all vintage! That pink paisley one is definitely a keeper. And I totally know which one the Thanksgiving one is hahaha. And ok sounds good! It'll probably be cheaper to buy one there anyways.

Also, Deck the Hall Ball sounds FANTASTIC! That was really mean of them to have that good of a line up this year. It's like they knew I'd be gone or something. There's not one band on that line up that I wouldn't want to see haha. You should have seen me when I got that email, it was all I could do to not scream. I did run my hand through my hair and let out a big breath. However, this work is way more important so it's ok (I'm trying to calm myself down. Is it working? I don't know.).

Love you!!

Mom:  Sorry--Dad had to rub that one in, huh? :)  That reminds me of that scene from "The Best Two Years" where that one vain, obnoxious Elder is reading a letter from home and going crazy.  Sorry.  We'll try to pretend that nothing good is happening until you get home from now on... ;)

It's normal to miss things.  You are focusing on one important part of life right now at the exclusion of other things.  It'll provide a great base for the rest of your life, when you get to incorporate lots of things that bring joy.  Like music. 

Brendan:  haha yeah thanks a lot, dad. just kidding. make sure he goes though. He won't want to miss that one! 

and yeah I'll admit, that was pretty rough for me. but I can do eeet!!

Love you! talk to you next week:)

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