Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week Eighteen: Christmas wishes from Taiwan--叻油!

Hey Everyone,

Thanks to all who sent me Christmas messages. They were much appreciated and lifted my spirits immensely! Also, just a note for the future, if you are sending a message of particular importance, etc., if you could also send it in a word file, that would be awesome. That way I can print it out and read it later:) I only get 2 hours on the computer, but I have time on P-day and at night that I can crack letters open and remember all those at home supporting me. So yeah! If you send a word file along with your email, that saves you postage, but it still allows me to savor all of your great messages. Thanks!

Alright with that business out of the way, this week was pretty tiring and would have been a little discouraging, to be honest, if it weren't for Christmas and a few other bright spots along the way. We had a lot of lessons cancel and I was just feeling kind of tired. We did have a few successes, however.

Liao Junxuan(our recent convert) got a calling. He's the president of gospel principles, so that basically just means he announces who prays and hands out the textbooks each week. But it's awesome! He has a responsibility and next week, he's going to receive the Aaronic Priesthood so he can start participating in the sacrament. I'm super excited for him. He goes home for a month on the 20th though, so he's only got a couple more Sundays here for now. We're going to try to get a hold of the church in Hong Kong, though so he can attend there while he's away. 

Chen Xuanzhen wasn't able to make it to church this week because he had to help a trainee at his work. He said he'll try to come on the 12th though so he can still be baptized on the 18th. I'm so sad his work is so busy because I'm highly convinced he'll do great things in the church if he can just sort out his work problems. He has so much faith and we're both really hoping he can exercise that faith in order to overcome this set-back. 

Andy came to church yesterday and seems to have enjoyed it. We're meeting with him some other time this week as well hopefully. I'll get back to you guys on him.

Hongxuan(the 10-year-old) is still doing awesome. His dad is set to receive the Aaronic priesthood as well next week, I believe so that's super exciting! 

John(his Chinese name is Huang Yuhao) is the guy we met with last Sunday who set up a baptismal goal right there. He's doing awesome. We met with him today and he'd already read through the pamphlet we gave him last time and he seemed really stoked to learn more. He didn't come to church yesterday because he had to work at his factory all night. He also seems like he might have a word of wisdom problem because he talked about drinking with buddies and he smelled faintly of smoke. If he has desire to change, though, he'll be able to overcome that though so I'm excited about his future! 

The work moves forward everyone! God really does have a plan for each of His children and even though not every one of them is ready at this point to accept the fullness of His gospel, I'm highly convinced that there are people out there who are. Please pray that I and the other 80,000 some-odd missionaries out there will be able to find them! I love you guys. Until next week!

叻油! (sounds like jah yo) which literally means "add oil" but is kind of like saying "good luck" or "keep it up." 

-Elder Smith 

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